Price: ˆ 110 000.00
Price: GBP 91 732.57
973.45 Euro/sqm
Number: 6809.00
Area: 113 sqm
Type: Four Rooms

Region: Dobrich
Town/City: s.Rogachevo

Distance to:
Capital city Sofia : 456 km / 283.18 miles
Sea capital city Varna : 27 km / 16.77 miles
Burgas city : 152 km / 94.39 miles
Black sea and sea resorts : 7 km / 4.35 miles
The International Airport : 35 km / 21.73 miles

Condition: New
Stage of construction: Is Finished
Structure: New Brick
Documents: Notary Act
Window frames: PVC
Parking places: Yes

Exterior Insulation; Interior Insulation; Air-conditioning; View;

The house is all dressed stone with severity, the windows also have stone sills of severity. Railing is handmade from wrought iron. The staircase is of stone around the severity and the handrail is also wrought iron. Double glazing windows is PVC, a large panoramic windows type Folsfagen. The yard is 800 sq. m. There is a pool measuring 10 meters to 5 meters, depth 180 cm. First floor: Apartment A1 130000 EUR - Total area 131.23 sq.m, garage in the basement 20 sq.m, common parts 28.49 m2 The apartment has 2 (two) bedrooms, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, large terrace. Apartment B1 110000 EUR - flat has 2 (two) bedrooms, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, large terrace. Second floor: Apartment B 2 110000 EUR - Total area 112.68 sq.m, garage in the basement 20 sq.m, common parts 26.31 m2 The apartment has 2 (two) bedrooms, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, terrace and big another side terrace. Third floor: Apartment A3 250000 EUR - Penthouse Built-up area 240.46 sq.m, atrium / attic / 50.84 sq.m, garage 20 sq.m, common parts 56.03 m2 The apartment has 3 (three) bedrooms, with an option for a fourth project on the first floor, 2 bathrooms, two toilets, living room, dining room, kitchen; On the second level - atrium - has a bedroom and a project opportunity for toilet and bathroom. Also features a panoramic terrace. The staircase is wide and closed.


Needs repairs: